Career-related services offered by the partners of the Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board focus on meeting customers from Hunterdon and Somerset Counties where they are.

The Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Training Service Center at 27 Warren St., second floor, in Somerville is open for in-person, career-related services 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Walk-ins are welcomed, but appointments are encouraged. Walk-in and appointment services are available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Wednesday at the Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center at 6 Gauntt Place in Flemington. On Thursday and Friday, appointment-only services are available. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 908-541-5780 in Somerville or 908-237-0016 in Flemington, or email for assistance.

In-person career-related services are available Monday through Friday at the Greater-Raritan One-Stop Career Center – Employment Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation – at 75 Veterans Memorial Drive, Somerville. Walk-ins are welcomed but appointments are encouraged. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 908-704-3000 or use this form.

In addition to in-person, all offices continue to offer services through e-mail, phone and virtual platforms. A virtual orientation session for new customers of the Training Center is conducted at 10 a.m. Fridays, and virtual career-webinars presented by the Training Center and the Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board are scheduled several times a month. The Employment Services team also offer a monthly series of Jersey Job Club workshops, which can be attended in-person or remotely. Check out the GRWDB’s website calendar for the latest offerings; contact the GRWDB at 908-541-5790 or

GRWDB Board and Committee meetings are open to the public and may be attended in person or virtually. The schedule of meetings can be found on the Events – Meeting Packages tab of the website.

Look on the calendar for more information on all programs and meetings.

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Norwescap Computer Class Series in Spanish (Clases de Habilidades Informáticas): File Management

November 7, 2024 @ 8:45 am - 1:00 pm


Norwescap’s North Plainfield training center, at 170 Watchung Avenue, Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras, North Plainfield, will present its Computer Skills Class Series in Spanish during the month of November. These free classes will be held in-person using Norwescap computers and Internet. Class times are 8:45 to 1 p.m. each day. Class time: 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m.

“Clases de Habilidades Informáticas” también en español, en Norwescap’s centro de capacitación de North Plainfield, ubicado en 170 Watchung Avenue, Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras, North Plainfield. Por favor, comparte nuestras clases. Estas clases gratuitas se llevarán a cabo en persona utilizando nuestras computadoras e internet. Horario de clases: 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m.

November 4Basic Computer Knowledge – Build a foundation of computer terms and understand how Windows the operating system works.

4 de noviembreConocimientos básicos de informática: Construye una base de términos informáticos y comprende cómo funciona el sistema operativo Windows.

November 7 – File Management – Learn how to organize and find files, save them where they belong, copy and move files, create folders and much more.

7 de noviembreGestión de archivos: Aprenderás a organizar y encontrar archivos, guardarlos en su lugar, copiar y mover archivos, crear carpetas y mucho más.

November 12 – Know Your Email App – Learn the importance of creating a professional email account, organizing and controlling incoming emails, personalized signatures and more. Learn how to take advantage of the many features in the email Calendar.

12 de noviembreConoce tu aplicación de correo electrónico: Aprenderás la importancia de crear una cuenta de correo profesional, organizar y controlar los correos entrantes, firmas personalizadas y más. Aprende a aprovechar las muchas funciones de tu calendario de correo electrónico.

November 14 – Introduction to Word Part 1 – Formatting: page layout, orientation, margins, ruler, bullets, line spacing, show/hide, saving/renaming, or deleting files, using Help.

14 de noviembreIntroducción a Word, parte 1: Formateo: diseño de página, orientación, márgenes, regla, viñetas, espaciado de líneas, mostrar/ocultar, guardar/renombrar o eliminar archivos, usar Ayuda.

November 19Introduction to Word Part 2 – Creating a professional document: spell check, templates, auto correct, styles and themes, track changes, headers and footers.

19 de noviembreIntroducción a Word, parte 2: Creación de un documento profesional: revisión ortográfica, plantillas, autocorrección, estilos y temas, seguimiento de cambios, encabezados y pies de página.

November 21 Google Doc 1 – Learn how to format, create documents and save them on Google Drive.

21 de novembreGoogle Docs 1: Aprende a formatear, crear documentos y guardarlos en Google Drive.

November 26 Google Doc 2 – Learn how to create spreadsheets, presentation and save it in Google Drive.

26 de novembreGoogle Docs 2: Aprende a crear hojas de cálculo, presentaciones y guardarlas en Google Drive.

Call to register: 908-900-0060, Ext. 1503

Llamada para registarse: 908-900-0060, Ext. 1503.


November 7, 2024
8:45 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


NORWESCAP North Plainfield
170 Watchung Ave., lower level
North Plainfield, 07060 United States
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